Worship Sites Respond to COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic shut down my home state of Colorado in the United States of America, signs began going up on business all across town to notify customers of what to expect in times of uncertainty. As a scholar of religious studies, I became interested in how churches and other places of worship messaged the emergency to the public. I set out to visit every single church and temple in my hometown to record how each site publicized its actions and plans.
This is purely a photo journalism project. I did not visit websites or call numbers. I only recorded what each church or temple posted in a place visible to the public.
Longmont, Colorado has about 110,000 residents and is in Boulder County which trends democrat in elections. Our mayor in 2020 is an independent and the City Council is majority Democrat. There are numerous Christian churches representing a variety of denominations, and one Buddhist Temple. There is also a Taoist Center scheduled to open on March 2, 2020 but the building has not yet opened to the public (due to the pandemic) and no COVID-19 signs are up on the building.
The mayor initially resisted lock down orders, instead advocating responsible social distancing without closures. However, he complied with the governor’s order to shelter-in-place. To my knowledge, there was no enforcement of the mandatory closures. There is only one clear example of a church continuing to offer in-person services during the “Safer at Home” order (though one other may have, I’ll let the viewer decide).
I organized the churches by denomination. I’m providing very little commentary, other than the text of signs when difficult to read, and translations when the signs are in Spanish.
Three of the sites had banners up advertising TryPraying, an organization whose mission, as stated on their website, is “a resource for people like that: no church connection or interest, but open to find out about God.” The churches displaying these banners are Trinity Baptist, Church of the Nazarene, and Christ Church International.
As I completed this project, a few things struck me. None of the three locations offering services primarily in Spanish - Lifebridge en Español, Templo el Sanai, or Iglasia Emmanuel - had any signs about COVID-19 posted. Several locations - nine, I believe - had no mention of the virus at all. Some had hand lettered signs, others printed signs, and still others professional looking signs made for the occasion.
Draw your own conclusions!
Trinity Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
Sign appearing on the First Baptist Church doors
Nelson Road Baptist Church advertising services streaming on Facebook.
Rocky Mountain Bible Baptist Church
Sign appearing on the door of Rocky Mountain Bible Baptist Church
Ambassador Baptist Church door sign - this is the only sign on any church that clearly indicates that services continue during the pandemic Safer at Home order.
Messiah Lutheran Church
Messiah Lutheran’s scrolling sign displayed Joshua 1:9: “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church with Pray, Share, Care banner
Faith Community Lutheran Church on Highway 66 is known for its hand painted signs.
Signs on the door of Faith Community Lutheran, advertising online worship services.
Sign on the door of First Evangelical Lutheran Church door advertising Zoom meetings of the family groups sponsored by the church.
First Evangelical Lutheran church offers a free pantry located on the street and accessible to anyone.
Central Longmont Presbyterian Congregation
Central Longmont Presbyterian Congregation doors.
On the day I photographed (mid April, 2020), the Westview Presbyterian Church had a food pantry.
Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church doors
Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church - this sign was posted on the doors of the school attached to the church. No sign appeared on the church itself.
Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church
First Congregational United Church of Christ advertising virtual worship.
Heart of Longmont Methodist Congregation
Heart of Longmont Methodist Congregation door sign
The Well Church
Longmont Church of Christ - youth center: no mention made of COVID-19
Community of Christ - no mention of COVID-19
Christians at Pratt Parkway advertising online services
Longmont Church of the Nazarene thanking Longmont United Hospital staff (the church is directly across the street from the hospital)
In May (2020) the church updated its sign to make a word play on essential workers.
The Church at Longmont - no reference to COVID-19
Templo el Sanai (Spanish speaking Pentecostal church): no reference to COVID-19
Iglasia Emanuel: no reference to COVID-19 (the sign reads “Worship God with us this Sunday.”)
Seventh-Day Adventist Church - no reference to COVID-19. The church has moved: the new location is below.
Mountain View Seventh-Day Adventist: no reference to COVID.
Grace Church is an Evangelical Free church - sign on the door advertising online services.
Grace Church publicizing help with a door sign and cards people can take.
Christ Church International with signs on the door.
Christ Church International: closeup of door sign.
Flatirons Church Door sign advertising online services.
The Journey: a Community Seeking God sponsors the HOPE homeless shelter. The sign is difficult to read (impossible to get a photo without glare): “NO MORE MEALS AT NIGHT. Dear guest to the meal and shower program: you are invited to come for two hours to the Journey on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays between 1:00PM and 5:00PM. You will be able to come every day for two hours to rest, shower, eat a meal, and charge your phones. To keep the shelter from being cramped so that we can all do social distancing, you will not be allowed in the shelter after 5PM. Thank you.”
Lifebridge is Longmont’s largest church with a weekend congregation of just under 2,000 spread across three locations. This is the sign on the door of the main site, inviting people to join online.
Lifebridge in Spanish: no reference to COVID 19. The signs (below) are sprinkled through the city along roads and in people’s yards.
New Creation Church door sign offering online services.
Rever: no mention of COVID-19
Summit Foursquare Church: door sign offering online videos.
World Restoration Fire Church - no mention of COVID-19.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses: no mention of COVID.
Longmont Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints: door sign.
Longmont Buddhist Temple: no information about COVID-19.